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The Trials of Elvis Tokoroa

Lo, Elvis was a shepherd of Men. From the forests

of Tokoroa he came, a humble servant, to the Great City.

He preacheth against the Pink Nonbinary Unicorns

and their pronouns and Kombucha and sinful ways.

And God looked favourably on his good servant Elvis:

and sent signs and messages, such as mobile EFT POS terminals

and pimped out Harley Davidsons, and sweet holidays in Greece.

So Pastor Elvis prospered as did his wise wife Hannah,

who standeth behind his throne and counsel him

in a very direct firm manner on fairly much everything.

Lo, and Reverend Elvis walked amongst the fallen

and his congregation said yea, we long for burnings and smitings

and other opportunities to express our love for sinners.

But then a plague came to the land, to punish all those

who refuseth to paywave their tithes for the Harleys.

And High Priest Elvis saith, I shall not be locked down,

nor partake in your sorcery or public health measures

for these are the ways of Satan: for few can attend

at the Temple and contribute their meagre kopecks.

So it was the Archimandrite Elvis led the Israelites

out of Egypt unto the Auckland Domain super spreader event,

where he denounc’d Empress Cindy and the Philistines

and the Sodomites and those without direct debits.

And the Pharisees sent their guardsmen to arrest Bishop Elvis

and he will duly appear at the District Court.

But the judgments of the Pharisees and the scribes

are straws in the wind to Messiah Elvis;

for one as Holy as this answers to no worldly laws,

his law is that of the Almighty, and when the Almighty speaks

it is with the beep and whirr of a mobile EFT POS terminal.

- Victor Billot
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Great result from the publishing of the books by the Govt for the year to 30th June ... 9KsmgsIVyY

Puts paid to the myth that Labour couldn't manage the economy - they have.
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But, but...National's former minister of everything Steven Joyce predicted a $4bn fiscal hole if Labour won in 2017. :lol:
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Not $4bn - when Big Steve fucks up, he doesn't muck about - a bit like Goebbels ... -hole.html
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General IQ of Taranaki midwives about to increase
Taranaki midwives prepared to quit rather than get vaccinated against COVID-19
Dan Satherley, Simon Shepherd 23 hrs ago

Midwives who would rather quit their jobs than get vaccinated against COVID-19 are urging the Government to rethink its vaccine mandate for the health workforce.

But COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins isn't budging, saying it's essential that people who work with children are vaccinated in order to keep them safe.

Ten of Taranaki District Health Board's 63 registered midwives have said they won't be getting vaccinated against the deadly disease, effectively ending their careers.

The Government has said it will mandate vaccination for the entire frontline health workforce. First doses are expected by October 30, and second by December 1. Workers in managed isolation and quarantine facilities and those on the border have been under a vaccine mandate for months now, and legal challenges to the order have failed. Exemptions from the existing order can be granted by the Minister of Health.

Midwife Angela Worthington says conversations with her 55 clients have "been nothing but tears and heartache" since Monday's announcement from Hipkins, and she's had trouble sleeping since.

"When you're a midwife, you value your sleep, Worthington says. "I know when I've been speaking with colleagues this week, you know, not many of us have been able to eat much this week. The weight of this is huge."

She won't reveal her reasons for not getting the vaccine, which has proven to be incredibly safe and highly effective at preventing serious illness over the past year. Side effects are incredibly rare, and just a single death has been causally linked in New Zealand after more than 6.1 million doses, a mortality rate 35,000 times lower than COVID itself.

"We have for decades now talked to women about 'your body, your choice'," she said. "But these messages... that have come through loud and clear are now not being applied to us as a workforce."

Worthington said she feels so strongly about "bodily autonomy" she's willing to walk, despite being her family's main income earner. And she's not the only one. The DHB confirmed at least nine others are quitting, Worthington says that'll leave "around 290 families" looking for new midwives.

"It's not just the community midwives as well, it's the core staff," Worthington says. "There are a number of core staff who will walk in next year... I actually don't know how the DHB will function with that loss."

Sorcha Wolnik used to work with Worthington. She was planning to go back to being a midwife, but now won't. She also won't say why.

"I would strongly ask Chris and the Government to reconsider this mandate," Wolnik says. "It's always difficult to roll back something that has been announced."

Hipkins said the decision, which also affects the education workforce, wasn't made lightly.

"We have to recognise that those working in the health sector, those working in education, are dealing with very vulnerable people, many who can't be vaccinated. So we need to make sure that we're providing as much protection as possible," Hipkins says.

"Yes, vaccination is an individual choice - it is your body - but ultimately your decisions and your choices have an impact on other people, so the requirements to be vaccinated to do certain jobs recognises that."

Hipkins said officials are closely following how many in the health and education workforces are resisting vaccination, but so far there's "no evidence" to suggest it'll exacerbate existing shortages.

"Ultimately we have to consider the public health risk here."

Hipkins said discussions were also being held with teachers' unions on what to do with staff who refuse vaccination.

"There will be some redeployment opportunities.. but there may not be roles for everybody."
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Enzedder wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:00 pmNot $4bn - when Big Steve fucks up, he doesn't muck about - a bit like Goebbels ... -hole.html
Oops, I'd forgotten just how massive Steven's hole was.

Enzedder wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:09 pm General IQ of Taranaki midwives about to increase

Hipkins said the decision, which also affects the education workforce, wasn't made lightly.

"We have to recognise that those working in the health sector, those working in education, are dealing with very vulnerable people, many who can't be vaccinated. So we need to make sure that we're providing as much protection as possible," Hipkins says.

"Yes, vaccination is an individual choice - it is your body - but ultimately your decisions and your choices have an impact on other people, so the requirements to be vaccinated to do certain jobs recognises that."

Hipkins said officials are closely following how many in the health and education workforces are resisting vaccination, but so far there's "no evidence" to suggest it'll exacerbate existing shortages.

"Ultimately we have to consider the public health risk here."

Hipkins said discussions were also being held with teachers' unions on what to do with staff who refuse vaccination.

"There will be some redeployment opportunities.. but there may not be roles for everybody."
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Just when you thought these cunts couldn't go any lower...
Destiny Church earns money from Covid vaccination and test site

Anti-lockdown protester Brian Tamaki's Destiny Church is earning money from a Covid vaccination and testing site, it has been revealed...

...Today Tamaki's wife, Hannah, said the Christian church run by the duo earned money leasing buildings it owned to a medical clinic giving out vaccinations and using a car park to do Covid tests.

"They asked us at the beginning of the Covid and back in February whether they could actually lease because they wanted to set up a testing station in South Auckland," Hannah Tamaki told Newstalk ZB radio presenter Kate Hawkesby this morning.

"We're not opposed to people being tested, Kate."

Hawkesby responded, saying: "So you're not opposed to areas where you can make money from it?"

To which Tamaki replied: "Oh well, I don't think we need to talk about that part of it." ... 6CWBVBJRY/
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Gumboot wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:54 pm Just when you thought these cunts couldn't go any lower...
Destiny Church earns money from Covid vaccination and test site

Anti-lockdown protester Brian Tamaki's Destiny Church is earning money from a Covid vaccination and testing site, it has been revealed...

...Today Tamaki's wife, Hannah, said the Christian church run by the duo earned money leasing buildings it owned to a medical clinic giving out vaccinations and using a car park to do Covid tests.

"They asked us at the beginning of the Covid and back in February whether they could actually lease because they wanted to set up a testing station in South Auckland," Hannah Tamaki told Newstalk ZB radio presenter Kate Hawkesby this morning.

"We're not opposed to people being tested, Kate."

Hawkesby responded, saying: "So you're not opposed to areas where you can make money from it?"

To which Tamaki replied: "Oh well, I don't think we need to talk about that part of it." ... 6CWBVBJRY/
Total fucking scumbags.
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The new Social Justice New Zealand:

It beggared belief that Kāinga Ora tenants who'd been given a taxpayer-funded home valued north of $1.5 million could intimidate the neighbourhood without facing eviction, she said

The barrister told the Herald she had called 111 numerous times to request help when she claims her neighbour was "trying to bash down my driveway gate or embarking on her tirades".

"It appears any disreputable, unruly and antisocial person can be randomly housed next door to upstanding, law-abiding citizens, [and] behave as badly as they like with absolutely no consequences and impunity." ... RCEQTWYD4/
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Mandate to get Covid-19 vaccination not a breach of Bill of Rights, High Court judge rules

A small group of doctors and teachers have lost an attempt to stop the mandate that requires them to be vaccinated by next Monday.

The groups – which originally included midwives – took their case, claiming the mandate was a breach of the Bill of Rights, to the High Court on Monday.

They said the mandate – which stipulates they must have had their first Covid-19 vaccination by November 15 – was inconsistent with their right to refuse medical treatments. They said the Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Act 2021 did not explicitly authorise the placing of a limit on their right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.

However, Justice Matthew Palmer disagreed.


Justice Palmer said if a limit was reasonable, prescribed by law, and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society under section 5, it was consistent with the Bill of Rights.

He dismissed their application and said mandatory vaccination fell within the scope of the Bill of Rights. ... udge-rules
Excellent result. :thumbup:
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18 months and still the feckers get that one wrong.
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Leadership challenge to Judith Collins likely as Simon Bridges attacks 'truly desperate stuff'

A leadership challenge in the National Party looks likely as MPs express their fury at the way leader Judith Collins demoted Simon Bridges late last night.

Collins demoted Bridges and stripped him of all of his portfolios late on Wednesday without consulting her caucus of MPs, saying comments he had made several years ago towards a National MP - understood to be Jacqui Dean - amounted to "serious misconduct".

Bridges said on his way into Parliament that this was "truly desperate stuff" from Judith Collins who would do "anything to hold onto the leadership".

He said he had sought a caucus meeting to discuss this last night but Collins refused. The caucus will instead meet at 9am.
Looks like Judy's a goner. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

So who will be the next leader of the opposition? Simon Bridges is clearly the leading contender, but will Luxon or Mitchell also challenge?

Could be an entertaining morning. Just off to buy some popcorn...
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Bugger - our JC is gone. I was hoping that, like Britain's JC (Jeremy Corbyn) she would stay forever.

Both are unelectable so the longer the better for me.

Luxon - the God botherer. Shudder

Chris Bishop - cannot even win his own seat he's that crap

Bridges - how can they after the sexist allegations last night?

Shut them down - ACT would be a stronger opposition.
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Hopefully this also spells the political end for Judy's BFF, the hideous Harete Hipango.
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Oh yes, she's from your 'Burg -isn't she. Thankfully we have got pretty good MPs from both sides of the house here.
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Enzedder wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:18 am Oh yes, she's from your 'Burg -isn't she. Thankfully we have got pretty good MPs from both sides of the house here.
She was an utterly useless MP and totally out of step with public sentiment on issues like abortion and the euthanasia bill, and lost her electorate re-election bid last year by a whopping 8,000 votes.

Arrogant, self-entitled, petulant...and that's just what her "friends" think.

Good riddance.
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^ :lolno:
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Flockwitt wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:10 am^ :lolno:
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Gumboot wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:30 am
Flockwitt wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:10 am^ :lolno:
Just felt you had expressed yourself well there.
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Flockwitt wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:20 am
Gumboot wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:30 am
Flockwitt wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:10 am^ :lolno:
Just felt you had expressed yourself well there.

Edit: just realised that if Luxon wins the leadership his soulmate Harete could well get promoted.

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I hear that Jonkey has been on the phones promoting Luxon today. God forbid (sic) - a God botherer we do not need.
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Wasn't it Luxon who oversaw the slashing of Air NZ's domestic services?

I'm sure Air Chathams thanks him for his generous contribution to their success.
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Simon Bridges has withdrawn from the leadership race, so it's Luxon left holding the poisoned chalice.
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Luxon's probably a good choice for the Nats now. He should at least get back voters they lost to ACT.
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Someone at work telling me NZ has gone full authoritarian commie.

State sponsored media??
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Ymx wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:24 pm Someone at work telling me NZ has gone full authoritarian commie.

State sponsored media??
At least we haven't yet reached the depravity of this shithole.

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So, Tamaki is remanded in custody - there is a God after all
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Haughty Hipango makes yet another misstep...
National MP Harete Hipango says she regrets the "unwise decision" to task a staff member with editing the 'controversies' section of her Wikipedia page.

Hipango has various controversies listed on her Wikipedia page, including allegations of misspending Parliamentary funds, using a false quote, and being present at anti-vaccination protests.

Allegations emerged that Hipango was trying to edit the selection of prior controversies, after a person making edits to her Wikipedia page identified themselves as her staff member.

"I am Harete Hipango's staff member and am editing her page on her behalf. She's stated that much of the information in the "Controveries" [SIC] section is false, and is causing a lot of distress to her family," the editor said.

Other Wikipedia editors judged that this meant the editor had a likely conflict of interest and therefore undid the changes made to Hipango's page.

Hipango, the former Whanganui MP who returned to Parliament on National's list in May last year following Nick Smith's resignation, has now admitted that it was her staffer who made the edits.

"Earlier this week I asked a staff member to edit my Wikipedia page," she said in a statement to Newshub on Thursday.

"I recognise that this was an unwise decision and I regret that it may be distracting from what we should be focused on, which is holding the Government to account."

Hipango did not elaborate on which of the controversies listed on her Wikipedia page she believed to be false. ... -page.html

She really is an embarrassment. Bet National HQ can't wait to get shot of her.
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Local government - typically useless but this is up there
Auckland Transport builds $32,000 bus stop on an island with no public transport
Adam Jacobson
18:48, Feb 04 2022

Great Barrier Island sits just 90 kilometres northeast of Auckland, in the Hauraki Gulf. With its exposed coastline, it’s an area susceptible to coastal erosion, with everything from the roads to cultural sites in peril.
Auckland Transport spending $32,000 to install a bus stop on an island with no public transport has been labelled “excessive” by local politicians.

An inner city-style glass and timber bus stop was placed near the northern end of Aotea – Great Barrier Island in August 2021.

Auckland Transport spokesman Blake Crayton-Brown said the new stop replaced a shelter in poor condition.

It also needed to be relocated due to safety concerns, he said, with the exact cost of supplying and installing the shelter coming to $32,300 – including the construction of a concrete pad.

Aotea Great Barrier local board chairwoman Izzy Fordham said the bus stop’s price tag was “excessive”.

“As grateful as we are ... it's something urban that's been picked up and dumped in an incredibly rural, coastal environment,” Fordham said.

Crayton-Brown said its installation was part of an Auckland Transport programme of road safety improvements at Motairehe Marae.

It was the same model of small standard shelter Auckland Transport used across Tāmaki Makaurau.

“The shelter was transported from Auckland to Aotea via ferry – this was arranged by the contractor.”

Aotea Great Barrier Island local board chairwoman Izzy Fordham says the shelter’s cost is “excessive”.

But Fordham said there were builders and contractors on Aotea who were fully capable of building a suitable – and less expensive – shelter.

“[AT] doesn't look after any of the other bus shelters, so if this one claps out we will call AT and tell them to send someone over to their bus stop.”

Crayton-Brown said while AT had no buses on the island, there was still a need for the shelter.

“Great Barrier Island doesn’t have any public transport services, but it does have school runs and the shelter will be used for one of these.” Well, that's alright then

Aotea Great Barrier Island lies in the outer Hauraki Gulf, about 90 kilometres north-east of central Auckland.

It has a population of just over 1100, with one main road running through the centre of it.

Green Party and Auckland Central MP Chloe Swarbrick said Aotea Great Barrier locals – especially those living in the historically underserved north of the island – deserved the same investment in their infrastructure and transport as the rest of Auckland.

“That glowing tardis of a bus stop is an indication resources can be invested in the island.”

She said it was easy to score “political points” by having a go at the cost of public services and the “mismatch between community needs and delivery”.

“These basic needs should never be a fight.”
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$32,000 is a lot of money but spare a thought for the poor guy that after six hours waiting has just got out his phone, read this article and realised there isn’t any bus coming. He is the real victim.
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This one is waaaaaaaaaaay up there for crazy

Case Number 220204/6077: Summons to arrest Jacinda Ardern & Grant Robertson

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Scenes from parliament... but outside, instead of inside. Police are arresting protestors. ... parliament
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Guy Smiley wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:18 pm Scenes from parliament... but outside, instead of inside. Police are arresting protestors. ... parliament
Given this crap below from govt. stooge Rod Jackson, an epidemiologist at the University of Auckland, is there any wonder that the demand for an end to the lunacy emanates from increasing numbers of NZers (humble apologies Wokes, I mean Aotearoans).

Jackson: 70 people a day are currently being killed by Covid-19 in Australia ... Covid-19 has killed an estimated 15-20 million people ...
Yes, Covid-19 killed each and every one of them, not comorbidities or heart attacks or last-legs elderliness or chronic Indian smog or car accidents or gunshot wounds to the head. It is Covid-19 all by itself that has done in 15-16 million.
So get your boosters NOW! And if you've already had one then get another one damnit. ... CIZM7VP7I/
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:lol: wtf?

Guy Smiley wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:18 pm Scenes from parliament... but outside, instead of inside. Police are arresting protestors. ... parliament
Those cops need some Minto bars. :twisted:
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That’s a live feed is it ?
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Ymx wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:33 pm That’s a live feed is it ?
Yeah. I’m out and about now but it looks like the coppers have moved them back a few metres as they weed em out one by one.

And yes SAM, they do😂
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