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Camroc2 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:14 am Some new CGI's of Johnny Ronans proposals for Waterfront South Central near the Point.


These drawings are possibly presented better than yesterday's. The buildings look grand within the landscape.
They look so good you think to yourself they ought to knock down the bland white buildings beside it.
Then you realise the boring buildings are in fact The Point.

Another comment on the plants, I think they may be added to try to humanise the size of the building, but the first impression I got was weeds.

I hope it gets built.
Blackrock Bullet
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The white building is only nearing completion, it's a shame, a total waste. Dublin Landings beside this will look fine because at least there's a gradient down to it. That little white yoke will be dwarfed completed. Still though, the North Docks will end up having some nice high quality buildings there in the end. The Convention Centre, the Central Bank, Dublin Landings and this are high quality and different styles of developments.

The mess they made of Capital Docks will take a while to get over. Kennedy Wilson now spending a fortune on marketing after they cheaped out on the finish. :crazy:
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CM11 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:45 am TSG

Not sure what point you were making. The girls said it was dark when the helicopter flew over. Hard spot, no?

And as far as I've read, it was 9pm before the coastguard was called.
10, I thought. Definitely dark. Also, I don't think that the chopper was flying overhead and missing them, they could see it in the sky a few kms away at times.
I'd imagine that initial search efforts focused on on-shore locations, especially in the dark, and then expanded. Wheras the guy who figured their location was able to do so knowing that the closer locations had already been eliminated, so he was able to estimate a completely offshore direction.

Accidents happen, I don't think there's much reason to criticise the two women. They weren't diving off the board in Salthill or surfing off Lahinch in a storm. Sometimes shit happens and that's why rescue services exist.
Duff Paddy
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The sun god wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:22 am
Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:59 am
The sun god wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:36 am

Might have warranted a fee had the coastguard actually found them rather than flying over their heads while keeping their hours up.
They left Furbo at 8.00 and I don't really think that Inisheer was their destination, they were going for a paddle in the cove.
Accidents happen. Lets just be thankful that one man and his son knew what they were doing.
The girls only went out paddle boarding at 9pm so by the time the coast guard was called it would have been dark. From the comfort of your computer it’s easy to slag off a professional helicopter crew who risk their own safety to help these people
Pull your fucking neck in. It's you that seems to have a problem sending rescue services out to do their jobs.
I know many of the guys and girls on both the Galway and Kilronan boats and I can tell you that they certainly have no problem going out in any weather at anytime of the day to do what they volunteer for.

And it was 8.00 pm.... ... 47345.html
Try to read the actual post before having a coronary Donald
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CM11 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:45 am TSG

Not sure what point you were making. The girls said it was dark when the helicopter flew over. Hard spot, no?

And as far as I've read, it was 9pm before the coastguard was called.
Duff was suggesting that the girls should be charged a call out fee for the helicopter....!! WTF.
The Irish tax payer pay 50 million a year for this service and if it was the Shannon aircraft it would have been a Sikorsky S-92 equipped with the very latest infra-red and heat seeking tech. Its not like they just look out the window while flying at 50 feet.
Duff Paddy
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The sun god wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:11 pm
CM11 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:45 am TSG

Not sure what point you were making. The girls said it was dark when the helicopter flew over. Hard spot, no?

And as far as I've read, it was 9pm before the coastguard was called.
Duff was suggesting that the girls should be charged a call out fee for the helicopter....!! WTF.
The Irish tax payer pay 50 million a year for this service and if it was the Shannon aircraft it would have been a Sikorsky S-92 equipped with the very latest infra-red and heat seeking tech. Its not like they just look out the window while flying at 50 feet.
Somebody get the GTN spray
Locke Lamora
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I see the Irish open is going to Northern Ireland now (Backed by the executive), since the quarantine rules down here are making a Mount Juliet hosting of the event infeasible

Sinn Fein in government in the north is encouraging people to fly into Belfast for a golf tournament, but is hammering the government down here every time they seek to loosen restrictions ....

Similarly co-living is happening in NI without a peep from the shinners ..... meanwhile EOB is equating them to tenements down here

Leo and the gang should be focusing on this kind of double standards, instead of indulging in the shinner culture/class warfare narrative
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Nols wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:04 pm
CM11 wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:45 am TSG

Not sure what point you were making. The girls said it was dark when the helicopter flew over. Hard spot, no?

And as far as I've read, it was 9pm before the coastguard was called.
10, I thought. Definitely dark. Also, I don't think that the chopper was flying overhead and missing them, they could see it in the sky a few kms away at times.
I'd imagine that initial search efforts focused on on-shore locations, especially in the dark, and then expanded. Wheras the guy who figured their location was able to do so knowing that the closer locations had already been eliminated, so he was able to estimate a completely offshore direction.

Accidents happen, I don't think there's much reason to criticise the two women. They weren't diving off the board in Salthill or surfing off Lahinch in a storm. Sometimes shit happens and that's why rescue services exist.
nail - head
Blackrock Bullet
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Coronavirus: We must save lives but we also need to live
Caveat: New Zealand’s lockdown relapse shows there is no easy way to avoid living with Covid-19

We are all epidemiologists now, or at least we think we are. Just as we were all bond strategists during the financial crisis a decade ago, and your average taxi driver could riff coherently about the wisdom of defaulting on senior bank debt. Now, everyday conversations revolve around reproduction rates, 14-day virus incidences, and the propensity for airborne transmission in enclosed spaces.

Of course, our new-found expertise is illusory. If you had asked most people six months ago to explain the difference between an epidemiologist and a dermatologist, they would have shrugged and poured you another whiskey.

There is a difference between using the lingo of experts and truly understanding what it all means. Most of us will never properly comprehend the dynamics of a virus outbreak.

Yet we don’t always have to have a molecular understanding of what experts say in order to make reasonable judgments about how, or to what degree, to build their advice into our lives. We use our common sense to parse expertise. For example, doctors are medical experts, but we all ignore them occasionally if their lifestyle edicts teeter into the peevish. Solicitors are legal experts, yet if newspapers always followed every scrap of their advice, they’d struggle to produce certain hard-hitting articles.

And, yes, epidemiologists are experts in disease outbreaks. But if we had followed the advice of every epidemiologist and virologist who surfaced over recent months, we would probably not have reopened much of the economy this summer, we’d all still be under some form of movement restrictions, and we probably wouldn’t be contemplating fully opening schools in the coming weeks.

Some will insist we still shouldn’t, but that degree of caution seems misguided. The threads that bind society and the economy will fray if we don’t look beyond Covid-19 every once in a while, and seek out ways to get things done, instead of cowering behind ways to do nothing. As well as saving lives, it is important that we live. And, one way or another, we may have to live with Covid for a long time.

Some epidemiologists and other medical experts believe that those of us who push this message are foolhardy. But we are not alone: there appears to be no major public clamour for a return to draconian measures, even for the uncertain prize of total victory over the virus, if that were even possible.

People and businesses are capable of listening to experts and then weighing risk in their own spheres. Judging from the green shoots of commerce that we have seen recently, many appear to have calculated that it is worth it to venture out in search of some semblance of a new normality.

It is better to progress while burning your fingers through trial and error, than swaying like reeds in the wind with every dire medical warning. There is still fear out there, but given the risk, it is not irrational.

The tension between these two schools of thought is evident in a phony public debate that is happening at the moment. On one side there is a coterie of medical experts, including epidemiologists, who want Ireland to seek “zero-Covid” status by taking aggressive measures to totally eliminate the virus.

On the other are those who fear the long-term economic and social scarring of some proposed measures, such as what effectively amounts to travel bans, and want policymakers to pursue a more pragmatic path.

Phony debate
The debate is essentially a phony one because while it does initially appear as if the camps are on different sides, it isn’t really the case. We all want the best result for the largest number of people.

Epidemiologists and virologists are not scaredy-cat killjoys who get their kicks from needlessly frightening the life out of people. Their expertise gives them a clear picture of the danger ahead, and they want to quash it.

Similarly, people who advocate for economic and social reopening are, in general, not reckless know-nothings willing to sacrifice their grannies for a long weekend in Barcelona. Some, such as many highly-experienced business people, just have varying degrees of insight into the needs of a functioning liberal economy and appreciate the risks that arise when you deprive it of oxygen for too long. Everything will be smothered unless we’re careful.

Ireland must now chart a way forward. One of the drawbacks of living on a small island full of neurotic Celts is that we are too quick to look abroad for templates to copy. The most committed of libertarians among us, for example, would prefer if we went for something such as the Swedish strategy when fighting the virus. Meanwhile, the zero-Covid experts counsel that we should follow the Taiwanese approach or – their favourite example – New Zealand, which after effectively sealing its borders following a short but hellish lockdown, recently reached 100 days without any community transmission of the virus.

But even after locking down its borders and suspending a range of what would normally be considered standard civil liberties, such as the ability to travel freely, New Zealand this week put its largest city, Auckland, and its 1.4 million inhabitants, back into a strict lockdown after the discovery of just four new virus cases. It also reintroduced lesser restrictions across the rest of the country.

Four new cases. That’s all it took. If the renewal of such draconian and illiberal restrictions is the ever-present threat required to maintain Covid-free status, then I’m not sure that it is worth the price.

It seems like the national equivalent of having a brand new car, but being too terrified to drive it in case it gets a scratch.

Many people would rather we eschewed the New Zealand way, and the Taiwanese way and whatever other ways there are, and developed our own way, tailored to the unique make-up of Irish economy and society.

Our entire economic and social model is built upon interacting with the rest of the world as much as we can. Irish people have always considered ourselves to be pragmatic. Our anti-virus approach should be, too. We must fight our own fear as hard as we fight the virus. ... -1.4329461
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Just saw this as well. It will be a shame if this site sits idle for another few years.
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Few funny Covid updates from your roving There is a reasonably well known Instagram blogger who is an admin worker by day and mommy blogger by night. About 20k followers. She has been reporting from Dingle all week. She went there from Kildare. Tut tut. She works in Naas hospital. Tut tut tut. She may not have thought it through.
A couple we know who crapped on about her immunocompromised blahdy blah for months. Huffing at children playing and delivery men delivering and all that jazz. Anyway they collected her grandparents who are olllllddddd from the UK and brought them over as they might not see them again. Not a screed of quarantining and off to Kerry as well. Point is stay the fück away from Kerry.
Duff Paddy
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EnergiseR wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:07 pm Few funny Covid updates from your roving There is a reasonably well known Instagram blogger who is an admin worker by day and mommy blogger by night. About 20k followers. She has been reporting from Dingle all week. She went there from Kildare. Tut tut. She works in Naas hospital. Tut tut tut. She may not have thought it through.
A couple we know who crapped on about her immunocompromised blahdy blah for months. Huffing at children playing and delivery men delivering and all that jazz. Anyway they collected her grandparents who are olllllddddd from the UK and brought them over as they might not see them again. Not a screed of quarantining and off to Kerry as well. Point is stay the fück away from Kerry.
We need a new name for the type of covid zealot that has emerged - tut tutting at non mask wearers etc. It’s great craic watching them shite on as if they have the first clue about any of this and then the inevitable fall from grace when they think it’s okay if they just break the rules a little bit, sure what’s the harm
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EnergiseR wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:07 pm Few funny Covid updates from your roving There is a reasonably well known Instagram blogger who is an admin worker by day and mommy blogger by night. About 20k followers. She has been reporting from Dingle all week. She went there from Kildare. Tut tut. She works in Naas hospital. Tut tut tut. She may not have thought it through.
A couple we know who crapped on about her immunocompromised blahdy blah for months. Huffing at children playing and delivery men delivering and all that jazz. Anyway they collected her grandparents who are olllllddddd from the UK and brought them over as they might not see them again. Not a screed of quarantining and off to Kerry as well. Point is stay the fück away from Kerry.
Popped down to Clare today; & soooo many UK Reg cars on the roads; I'd love to see the stats for Ferry trips.
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Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:06 pm
EnergiseR wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:07 pm Few funny Covid updates from your roving There is a reasonably well known Instagram blogger who is an admin worker by day and mommy blogger by night. About 20k followers. She has been reporting from Dingle all week. She went there from Kildare. Tut tut. She works in Naas hospital. Tut tut tut. She may not have thought it through.
A couple we know who crapped on about her immunocompromised blahdy blah for months. Huffing at children playing and delivery men delivering and all that jazz. Anyway they collected her grandparents who are olllllddddd from the UK and brought them over as they might not see them again. Not a screed of quarantining and off to Kerry as well. Point is stay the fück away from Kerry.
We need a new name for the type of covid zealot that has emerged - tut tutting at non mask wearers etc. It’s great craic watching them shite on as if they have the first clue about any of this and then the inevitable fall from grace when they think it’s okay if they just break the rules a little bit, sure what’s the harm
It is hilarious. Another wan in work who has not been seen since March as her mother lives with her and could die and some other family member has an itchy gooch and blah blah. 'I never leave the family gets a bit lonely' is what she she said to me a few weeks back. Where was she during the week: Donegal. As we all know Donegal is where the Covid can't actually get on you. Do these eejits not get when they post on social media other people see it and tell their colleagues
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I don't have an issue with people travelling, provided they're not cramming into gaff parties, but playing up the risks, criticising others etc and then going on a jolly is silly.
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They’ve lost the plot with lockdowns. They were appropriate at the start when we didn’t know what we were dealing with but they’re a crazy sledgehammer to crack a nut now. The idea of locking down individual counties is ridiculous. Cafes closed in Leixlip but you can go to work in Lucan and have your coffee there. All that is going to do is fuck the economy in one county and it’s going to achieve sweet fuck all in terms of confining the virus. Teacher’s pet Ardern Is at it over in Auckland too completely fucking them with a 12 day lockdown that will achieve fuck all except preserve her bragging rights, you can’t keep this thing out it is too infectious you have to learn to live with it.
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How is this the top story on ... 49741.html

The Zero Covid advocates are still swarming the press despite their poster boy in New Zealand (for the second time, this time they haven't got away with it though) failing. Never mind the fact that New Zealand is completely detached from the rest of the world.

This guy is advocating another 6 weeks of restrictions/lockdowns. For what? In 8 weeks community transmission coming back in and we go for a 3 day set of restrictions, followed by 12 days like in New Zealand? The Kiwis having rugby games, no social distancing and a semblance of normality looked appealing but it isn't sustainable. After all of the euphoria, there is the reality now that the virus can sneak back in no matter how hard you try (and the likes of Hong Kong & Vietnam have tried and failed similarly).
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I have been arguing with my media mates for 20 years that they are cünts. It's really true now. Any old shite that will get the permanently offendee and scared salivating is lashed up. It grossly irresponsible
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Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:17 pm They’ve lost the plot with lockdowns. They were appropriate at the start when we didn’t know what we were dealing with but they’re a crazy sledgehammer to crack a nut now. The idea of locking down individual counties is ridiculous. Cafes closed in Leixlip but you can go to work in Lucan and have your coffee there. All that is going to do is fuck the economy in one county and it’s going to achieve sweet fuck all in terms of confining the virus. Teacher’s pet Ardern Is at it over in Auckland too completely fucking them with a 12 day lockdown that will achieve fuck all except preserve her bragging rights, you can’t keep this thing out it is too infectious you have to learn to live with it.
It's more scientism than science at this stage.
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Blackrock Bullet wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:57 pm How is this the top story on ... 49741.html

The Zero Covid advocates are still swarming the press despite their poster boy in New Zealand (for the second time, this time they haven't got away with it though) failing. Never mind the fact that New Zealand is completely detached from the rest of the world.

This guy is advocating another 6 weeks of restrictions/lockdowns. For what? In 8 weeks community transmission coming back in and we go for a 3 day set of restrictions, followed by 12 days like in New Zealand? The Kiwis having rugby games, no social distancing and a semblance of normality looked appealing but it isn't sustainable. After all of the euphoria, there is the reality now that the virus can sneak back in no matter how hard you try (and the likes of Hong Kong & Vietnam have tried and failed similarly).
Christ that article is so idiotic it’s hard to know where to start with it.
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Locke Lamora wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:03 pm
Duff Paddy wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:01 pm A child passed away Ticknock mountain bike trail yesterday. Everyone in complete shock. RIP.
Is this official/confirmed?

I don't see anything in the media about it ..... and am being told that it might be a teenage social media story that has grown legs?

My young fella heard about it yesterday according to him, but it's strange that it's not even in local media
Confirmed now; ... feNbYYhqgg

Meedja was probably waiting til next of kin notified etc before posting. Must've been a shock for the lads who were out with him. RIP.
Duff Paddy
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I heard the full story the other day didn’t want to post it here but completely heart breaking. I mountain bike there a good bit, the trails are kept to the highest possible standard but that often means that people go extremely fast on them. I know his father to say hello to, one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just an awful awful tragedy. RIP.
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This attitude is shockingly shortsighted
[ ... 49211.html][/url]
Proposed D4 co-living development 'not viable in the midst of a deadly pandemic'

August 14 2020 08:13 AM

It would be unduly hasty for Dublin City Council to give the green light to a 111 bed-space shared co-living development proposed for Merrion Road, Dublin 4, "in the midst of a deadly pandemic".

That is according to Labour Senator Ivana Bacik who has told Dublin City Council that the co-living model "in light of the uncertainty around Covid-19, is not a viable option".
All they had to do was make a condition that the building could not be occupied until a vaccine was operational, or some variation.
This is the type of space that would allow singles/couples get out of their parents gaff.
The building will be built, the only question is when can people move. Delaying giving permission only means the future residents will not be able to move in seamlessly with the end of the pandemic, but will be hanging around for maybe two more years.
Blackrock Bullet
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The latest nonsense from the Orla Hegarty crew.
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Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:23 pm I heard the full story the other day didn’t want to post it here but completely heart breaking. I mountain bike there a good bit, the trails are kept to the highest possible standard but that often means that people go extremely fast on them. I know his father to say hello to, one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just an awful awful tragedy. RIP.
Was just talking to the missus about it again and was reminded of how fast those trails are. I went up for a walk with a curmudgeonly mate who is always arguing with with the mountain bikers and I was struck how quickly they barreled through the forest. Made his cranking pretty funny as they burst through the smaller trails. Some of the sleeper runs looked great craic to be honest
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EnergiseR wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:53 pm
Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:23 pm I heard the full story the other day didn’t want to post it here but completely heart breaking. I mountain bike there a good bit, the trails are kept to the highest possible standard but that often means that people go extremely fast on them. I know his father to say hello to, one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just an awful awful tragedy. RIP.
Was just talking to the missus about it again and was reminded of how fast those trails are. I went up for a walk with a curmudgeonly mate who is always arguing with with the mountain bikers and I was struck how quickly they barreled through the forest. Made his cranking pretty funny as they burst through the smaller trails. Some of the sleeper runs looked great craic to be honest
The trails are as fast or as slow as the rider wants them to be tbf.
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I get that but it has an edge about it around there. Certainly the mix of walkers scratching their arses and lads bursting through undergrowth on bikes makes for a scene. Lovely part of the world all the same and kids need to do the things he was doing which is no comfort to the parents
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Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:48 pm
Blackrock Bullet wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 8:57 pm How is this the top story on ... 49741.html

The Zero Covid advocates are still swarming the press despite their poster boy in New Zealand (for the second time, this time they haven't got away with it though) failing. Never mind the fact that New Zealand is completely detached from the rest of the world.

This guy is advocating another 6 weeks of restrictions/lockdowns. For what? In 8 weeks community transmission coming back in and we go for a 3 day set of restrictions, followed by 12 days like in New Zealand? The Kiwis having rugby games, no social distancing and a semblance of normality looked appealing but it isn't sustainable. After all of the euphoria, there is the reality now that the virus can sneak back in no matter how hard you try (and the likes of Hong Kong & Vietnam have tried and failed similarly).
Christ that article is so idiotic it’s hard to know where to start with it.
I tried to read the article with your sentiment so was well warned but confused all the way through trying to mimic said sentiment. . Yes the zero covid thing seems largely nonsense but the measures mentioned aren't. It's abundantly clear, even in my sheltered life, that no one thinks they have covid anymore and really we need a reinjection of the fear that saw us get control of this in the first place. That doesn't mean shutting down but does mean a little more of get the fúck out of my space, thanks
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dob wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:05 pm
Locke Lamora wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:03 pm
Duff Paddy wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:01 pm A child passed away Ticknock mountain bike trail yesterday. Everyone in complete shock. RIP.
Is this official/confirmed?

I don't see anything in the media about it ..... and am being told that it might be a teenage social media story that has grown legs?

My young fella heard about it yesterday according to him, but it's strange that it's not even in local media
Confirmed now; ... feNbYYhqgg

Meedja was probably waiting til next of kin notified etc before posting. Must've been a shock for the lads who were out with him. RIP.
Awful story. Needed to read the Galway rescue story as an antidote to hearing about this.
Duff Paddy
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Gav wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:58 pm
EnergiseR wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:53 pm
Duff Paddy wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:23 pm I heard the full story the other day didn’t want to post it here but completely heart breaking. I mountain bike there a good bit, the trails are kept to the highest possible standard but that often means that people go extremely fast on them. I know his father to say hello to, one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. Just an awful awful tragedy. RIP.
Was just talking to the missus about it again and was reminded of how fast those trails are. I went up for a walk with a curmudgeonly mate who is always arguing with with the mountain bikers and I was struck how quickly they barreled through the forest. Made his cranking pretty funny as they burst through the smaller trails. Some of the sleeper runs looked great craic to be honest
The trails are as fast or as slow as the rider wants them to be tbf.
Would ya stop - young lads on modern bikes are always going to push the limit. That’s the why they love the sport. GAP nearly had a young lad die last year, broken back, they thought he was gone. Their trails are more difficult than Ticknock. They’re going ahead with their enduro race I thought it might have been cancelled.
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Uncle fester wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:27 pm
dob wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:05 pm
Locke Lamora wrote: Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:03 pm

Is this official/confirmed?

I don't see anything in the media about it ..... and am being told that it might be a teenage social media story that has grown legs?

My young fella heard about it yesterday according to him, but it's strange that it's not even in local media
Confirmed now; ... feNbYYhqgg

Meedja was probably waiting til next of kin notified etc before posting. Must've been a shock for the lads who were out with him. RIP.
Awful story. Needed to read the Galway rescue story as an antidote to hearing about this.
It really is. The poor parents, I can’t stop thinking about it. He died doing what he loved with his friends and hopefully he didn’t suffer.
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.OverThere wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:41 pm This attitude is shockingly shortsighted
[ ... 49211.html][/url]
Proposed D4 co-living development 'not viable in the midst of a deadly pandemic'

August 14 2020 08:13 AM

It would be unduly hasty for Dublin City Council to give the green light to a 111 bed-space shared co-living development proposed for Merrion Road, Dublin 4, "in the midst of a deadly pandemic".

That is according to Labour Senator Ivana Bacik who has told Dublin City Council that the co-living model "in light of the uncertainty around Covid-19, is not a viable option".
All they had to do was make a condition that the building could not be occupied until a vaccine was operational, or some variation.
This is the type of space that would allow singles/couples get out of their parents gaff.
The building will be built, the only question is when can people move. Delaying giving permission only means the future residents will not be able to move in seamlessly with the end of the pandemic, but will be hanging around for maybe two more years.
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Read that sleepwalking article. What a fücking prick. We are literally not sleepwalking. We have a defined strategy that leans cautious. Now it is not crazy cautious or anything like that and could do without locking poor old Kildare and the Kings and Queens county places. Fück the media for giving cranks like that a platform
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Seeing as this seems to be the place people are posting these days, quick question.

Has anyone seen anymore details on this voucher scheme for people holidaying in Ireland? Anything I look for just brings up the announcement from a few weeks ago. Heading to Donegal at the end of September so was wondering if it would be in effect then.
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Risteard wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:31 am Seeing as this seems to be the place people are posting these days, quick question.

Has anyone seen anymore details on this voucher scheme for people holidaying in Ireland? Anything I look for just brings up the announcement from a few weeks ago. Heading to Donegal at the end of September so was wondering if it would be in effect then.
From memory i think it kicked in from October. Could claim rebates on cost of accommodation and meals out etc.

But could be wrong
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Yep. It is a load of ask my bollox really. 125/ couple 250 quid tax rebate on over 625 if you go on holidays between October and April. Think if you spend over 625 on food in Ranelagh you are also covered so that's Cammy sorted
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Yeah remember hearing about that at the time but want sure if the dates were announced.

Presume it's to encourage people to head away when they wouldn't normally as 125/250 isn't going to be the main decider on people heading away in July/August.
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Nobody is going away between October and April. Post budget will be brutal
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Good long read on Paddy the party planners antics. ... 6-Aug2020/
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Just read that there. Really bothers me how his initial claims got so much engagement, but his correction and apology got SFA.

Didn't he find himself in legal trouble recently as well?
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