How so? Anywhere that starts putting identity ahead of merit, opens the door to worse outcomes. It's not unknown in diverse countries (especially when that diversity is visible) for this to become the societal norm. If this bank were making leadership appointments based on identity and given some of the stuff floating around social media they were. Then it's one more straw on the camel's back in what went wrong in that bank.
It's relevant to the thread too, I've posted Braverman's career path before. From memory she was rejected for candidate nomination by two Tory branches and failed in another two public elections (one where she was parachuted in because it was a majority South Asian constituency, the other was a PR list place in London where she wasn't high enough up because she wasn't good enough). Then she magically gets parachuted into a Tory safe seat (the fourth Tory branch she had involvement with), then after not long at all she's a very powerful person and Home Secretary. I wouldn't say she's a total moron like Truss or someone that's horrible in her private dealings with people like Patel, she could be both those things but I've seen no real evidence, she's just completely incompetent. So why did the Tories boost a South Asian woman to the top of their party who isn't good enough, when they're a 97% white party? Could it be that they're feeling the pressure to represent the demographics of the country and someone that isn't white saying the things Braverman does is useful to them? If you think that's indeed likely, then what logic is there preventing that applying to other elite positions?