Apparently, it’s all live on telegram
Hillel Neuer:
And I’ll just mention UNRWA, their spokesman, Adnan Abu Hasna, was interviewed by Raviv Drucker on Channel 13 and he said, “we don’t know we don’t know if the members of this Telegram group work for UNRWA, they don’t work for UNRWA.” He said, “how can we find out,” he said “we want to investigate, but how can we find out you know, all these things are happening in Gaza, and there’s no way for us to find out.”
Well, guess what, you don’t need to be in Gaza, the Telegram group is online. Very quickly, within an hour or two, we were able to identify individuals, who they were, their UNRWA contract ID numbers. Numerous details of the people posting, including the fact that several of them, of the admins of the group, the leaders of this Telegram group, work for UNRWA.
They are people who, on the Telegram group, share internal UNRWA information. It’s a group of teachers who are sort of temporary, they maybe work from month to month. They don’t yet have fixed term contracts, but they undergo UNRWA training, they have UNRWA contracts. And on the Telegram group, they’re sharing of all kinds of internal, relevant UNRWA teacher information. And then they’re celebrating October 7th, saying that we need to have the same education that these Hamas individuals have for them, they were heroes, the same kind of education that they had, we need to replicate. This is really shocking.
This from an interview