Then there are tax revenues. That VAT point still stands. And the truth is Scottish Revenue are struggling to be sure who is resident in Scotland whilst on corporation tax there is no way of knowing where revenues are earned at present. And so on.
Again, I'm asking if this is true or not.
This is not this years methodolgy (it get refined every year) which my Google-fu seems to be unable to find...but it basically answers this question: ... 017-18.pdf
The UK figure for total VAT revenues is taken from ONS’ database underlying the Public
Sector Finances. VAT revenue is then disaggregated into VAT paid by households,
businesses, government, and the housing sector.
Scotland’s share of UK net VAT revenues paid by households is estimated from the Living
Costs and Food Survey (LCF), formerly the Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS). Scotland’s
share of VAT paid by businesses and the housing sector is apportioned in line with GVA.
Scotland’s share of VAT paid by government is apportioned in line with government
expenditure. The weights of each sector are provided by HMRC, and are shown in the table
Corp Tax:
In general, GERS apportions a share of UK revenues from corporation taxes based on the
economic activity undertaken in Scotland and not the location of companies’ headquarters.
Public corporations’ and North Sea corporation tax revenues are excluded from the analysis
and are apportioned to Scotland separately.
Calculating Scottish corporation tax revenues is a two stage process. Firstly the UK figure for
total corporation tax is taken from ONS’ database underlying the Public Sector Finances. An
adjustment is then made to remove corporation tax payments from the North Sea sector.
The Scottish share of UK corporation tax (excluding North Sea) is taken from the ONS
Country and Regional Public Sector Finances publication. ... nce/articl
This is based on HMRC’s country level corporation tax receipts, from their publication, A
disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts between England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland,
available from the link below. However, ONS adjust the cash figures published by HMRC to
an accruals basis. ... x-receipts
So we come to spending. The allocation of government spending to Scotland will be arbitrary: how much defence should it pay, for example? Or interest? The arbitrary areas will be too great for this number to really be reliable.
Why is it arbitrary - the methodology again is pretty clear how this breaks down: ... y-2017-18/
Taking your example - defence spending is a straight population share of the UK total (actually an area which Scotland probably benefits more than the rest of the UK from because of its bases and shipbuilding - but GERS does not account for this).
So its not confusing or unclear its just critics like Murphy appear not to even read it.
In which case what of Scottish imports and exports? Let's be blunt: no one has a clue what crosses the borders from Scotland to England and Northern Ireland. These numbers are literally made up in that case.
Why bother monitoring exports within a single market? Also in revenue terms its the profits of the companies that export goods that are of a concern and this is recorded.
The SG does infact survey exports - you can see that info here: ... 9/pages/3/
The point about McCrone and why it is relevant is about whether or not a government at Westminster will do what most of us would deem unthinkable, ie keep information from the public in order to undermine the move towards independence.
The idea that GERS is rigged by the UK government is without any basis (particularity as the Scottish government run by the SNP produces them). In 2014 GERS was the economic basis for the white paper.
As far as I'm aware, not one country has asked to be brought back under the "protection" of Britain once they had managed to secure their independence, but I'm open to correction.
Maybe Hong Kong would do so right enough, but that is a somewhat exceptional case, given their alternative.
Doesn't really answer my point..not sure why you threw this in.
Anyway Scotland is not a colony of the UK its actually part of the unitary state that is the UK.