It's incredibly dishonest of you to talk about certainty about current science. The only person stating anything with 100% certainty is you - when you claimed we have "absolutely no idea how long it lasts". I point to the science saying we have some idea with some uncertainty on some details. You are incapable of arguing in good faith.
You call me dishonest regarding certainty’s, when that certainty I keep displaying is “we don’t know “ yet.
That with covid is the truth . It’s a new virus. Going on about the two year and all that is clearly nonsense.
I’m stating that in good faith. And have done from the start.
At no point have I made any statements or even talked about when a vaccine will be available, so why the fuck would I bet on it?
I swear you read only what you want to.
If there’s no immunity from infection then a vaccine is almost impossible.
I at no point said you made a statement about vaccine ....
I just related it to the direct point about there being no immunity from infection. We’ve now had posters leaps around “boosters” etc without accepting it makes the production and even more importantly the testing of a vaccine much much more difficult and a much longer process.
Jesus Christ the self-owns keep coming. No, Bimbo, I didn't tell you that it couldn't happen. I did actually agree that where possible any company or government would try and harvest data. What I did say was that the new open source Track & Trace app couldn't be used for that - guess what, that article isn't about that app, and is instead about apps being used by pubs and restaurants to harvest contact details at the government's request.
The scanning is from the venue to the test and trace app. That’s the point of the article.
Honestly, I don't understand how you don't look at every single interaction you have online and wonder where you're going wrong all the time.
Because I’m quite comfortable that I posted nothing controversial in any way.
If there’s no long term immunity from an actual infection then it’s much more unlikely that any vaccine will offer any protection. Argue all you like against that but it’s just a fact.