President Trump and US politics catchall

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I am incandescent with rage right now. I feel sick to the stomach. A US Vice President stood today on the soil of where so many Americans gave their lives to defeat fascism in Europe. He delivered a disgraceful speech that spat on their graves. Not that we should expect any different, given his boss skipped visiting the graves of fallen Americans in Europe for fear of getting his hair wet. The same man who called the same fallen heroes suckers and losers.

As a Brit that loves America and the American people, I am deeply disturbed at the insults delivered by a man who once described Donald Trump as an “idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, comparing him to Adolf Hitler.

How times have changed. Vance is now part of the most authoritarian administration in American history. An administration actively seeking to deny bodily autonomy to women. An administration pursuing the same mass deportation of immigrants that Europe witnessed in 1930s Germany. Vance is a man that his own president doesn’t even see as his successor.

He came to Europe to vomit his Christo-fascist bile on leaders from the UK and across Europe, in what appears to be a retribution tour designed to assert American power.

The U.S. are to my knowledge the only NATO country to have invoked Article 5 of the NATO charter after 9/11. We, his European allies, met that call with no questions asked. We sent thousands of soldiers to the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq to fight a war on the false premise of Donald Rumsfeld’s ‘known unknowns’. We did this despite millions of our own citizens protesting in the streets of our cities.

Our military stood shoulder to shoulder with his military and we, like many Americans, stood to salute our fallen young men and women returning home day after day. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, thinking of them and their loved ones. Our brave men and women willingly gave their all and far too many made the ultimate sacrifice in support of an American led war.

For the record, 6000 Ukrainian solders server alongside American soldiers in Iraq. This, despite Ukraine not being a member of NATO. In 1994 upon signing the Budapest Memorandum they gave up their nuclear weapons in return for security assurances from the US and the UK. These were then reneged upon in 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea. They were told ‘An assurance is not a guarantee’.

Now, despite their friendship and their brave sacrifice on the battlefields of Ukraine, the President of the United States has decided to abandon them and hand a victory to an indicted war criminal, who illegally invaded the sovereign territory of a US ally. An ally who’s soldiers had previously lost their lives supporting America in its war on terror.

SHAME ON HIM. Shame on the man who dodged the draft and never served a day in defense of his nation. He is a coward and I would gladly call him that to his face. To all those Americans on social media currently posting vile insults to those who have always been there for America, I say, democracy is bigger than you, as you sit anonymously behind your phones posting poison.

America might have the most powerful army on the planet, but remember, that same army fled from Saigon after being handed their ass by a bunch of peasant rice farmers, armed with grenades made from discarded US coke cans. Ukraine have been to the Russian army what the Vietnamese were to you and we salute them.

You might want to throw Ukraine under the bus while stealing there mineral deposits, BUT EUROPE WILL NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN. I know for sure that the UK will not abandon the Ukrainian people. Our aid to GDP contribution already exceeds that of the US as does Poland, Germany Finland and others.

The U.S. is no longer a reliable ally and if need be, we will stand with Ukraine without America.

As for your pathetic tariffs, do your worst. You will soon have no friends but thugs and autocrats, so I’m sure Wun Dum Fuc will be right at home.
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Convoluted lives in a Third World Country according to his dear leader.. :!: :!: :!:

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I read or viewed something somewhere today suggesting Zeleskyy is talking to the EU about a resources access deal that would see Ukraine offering a share of their untouched reserves in exchange for security deals...

and UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese came out last week in response to Donny's proposed land grab in Gaza ridiculing the illegality of it all and suggesting other nations give the US what it really wants... isolation.

The risk of that must be growing... alienating allies and trading partners with heavy tariffs while strutting about belligerently trying to bully everyone into doing the US's bidding must be leading other leaders to look for alternatives... and alliances will shift. Canada is leading the way with a proactive response and pursuit of trade deals, others will follow.
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TB63 wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2025 4:43 am Firewater meet Convoluted, Convoluted, meet Firewater, I'm sure you two will get on well...
Not for long, I fear.
I drink and I forget things.
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"There was a lot Trump didn't know"..No shit sheriff..

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Just saw this on the socials, learned it’s from a couple of weeks ago, but damn America missed out on this guy being a bigger leader for them than he currently is.

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Guy Smiley wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2025 5:42 am
I may have shivered a bit when he called for a ‘new act of Confederation’. That, and for this same reason, is how the separate provinces of British North America banded together in 1867. America had tried to invade 1812, harboured and maybe goaded rebellions in the 1830s, and Irish Americans invaded again after the Civil War in what was called the Fenian Raids, so we not only sought unity against threats from the south but also to strengthen east-west ties. Fighting against the notion of 'manifest destiny', words Trump has actually used recently!

There’s been a lot of talk the last few weeks about the trade and policy barriers that, while probably do some good to protect local interests, do prevent us from being more prosperous as a nation. The provincial premiers seem much more focused on working these kinks out. We send a lot of business south and it looks like Trump’s threats will actually make us stronger both by not giving so much away and building ties with other markets.

I have’t watched it yet, but saved a news clip I found analysing the potential of us joining the EU.

.... f'ing yes! I'm sure a lot of Europeans would love to come here and help take advantage of untapped potential (but also, it'd let me move over there and enjoy cycle culture, French rugby, buy a little chateau and be a gentleman farmer :lol: )
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TB63 wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2025 5:10 am
I am incandescent with rage right now. I feel sick to the stomach. A US Vice President stood today on the soil of where so many Americans gave their lives to defeat fascism in Europe. He delivered a disgraceful speech that spat on their graves. Not that we should expect any different, given his boss skipped visiting the graves of fallen Americans in Europe for fear of getting his hair wet. The same man who called the same fallen heroes suckers and losers.

As a Brit that loves America and the American people, I am deeply disturbed at the insults delivered by a man who once described Donald Trump as an “idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, comparing him to Adolf Hitler.

How times have changed. Vance is now part of the most authoritarian administration in American history. An administration actively seeking to deny bodily autonomy to women. An administration pursuing the same mass deportation of immigrants that Europe witnessed in 1930s Germany. Vance is a man that his own president doesn’t even see as his successor.

He came to Europe to vomit his Christo-fascist bile on leaders from the UK and across Europe, in what appears to be a retribution tour designed to assert American power.

The U.S. are to my knowledge the only NATO country to have invoked Article 5 of the NATO charter after 9/11. We, his European allies, met that call with no questions asked. We sent thousands of soldiers to the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq to fight a war on the false premise of Donald Rumsfeld’s ‘known unknowns’. We did this despite millions of our own citizens protesting in the streets of our cities.

Our military stood shoulder to shoulder with his military and we, like many Americans, stood to salute our fallen young men and women returning home day after day. I have tears in my eyes as I write this, thinking of them and their loved ones. Our brave men and women willingly gave their all and far too many made the ultimate sacrifice in support of an American led war.

For the record, 6000 Ukrainian solders server alongside American soldiers in Iraq. This, despite Ukraine not being a member of NATO. In 1994 upon signing the Budapest Memorandum they gave up their nuclear weapons in return for security assurances from the US and the UK. These were then reneged upon in 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea. They were told ‘An assurance is not a guarantee’.

Now, despite their friendship and their brave sacrifice on the battlefields of Ukraine, the President of the United States has decided to abandon them and hand a victory to an indicted war criminal, who illegally invaded the sovereign territory of a US ally. An ally who’s soldiers had previously lost their lives supporting America in its war on terror.

SHAME ON HIM. Shame on the man who dodged the draft and never served a day in defense of his nation. He is a coward and I would gladly call him that to his face. To all those Americans on social media currently posting vile insults to those who have always been there for America, I say, democracy is bigger than you, as you sit anonymously behind your phones posting poison.

America might have the most powerful army on the planet, but remember, that same army fled from Saigon after being handed their ass by a bunch of peasant rice farmers, armed with grenades made from discarded US coke cans. Ukraine have been to the Russian army what the Vietnamese were to you and we salute them.

You might want to throw Ukraine under the bus while stealing there mineral deposits, BUT EUROPE WILL NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN. I know for sure that the UK will not abandon the Ukrainian people. Our aid to GDP contribution already exceeds that of the US as does Poland, Germany Finland and others.

The U.S. is no longer a reliable ally and if need be, we will stand with Ukraine without America.

As for your pathetic tariffs, do your worst. You will soon have no friends but thugs and autocrats, so I’m sure Wun Dum Fuc will be right at home.

This piece is barely coherent but the "peasant rice farmers" reference is disrespectful to the Vietnamese people and overlooks the fact that they had already sent the French packing and the ENTIRE war was essentially a function of Frances refusal to allow them to decolonise.

The Vietnamese suffered for decades under the tyranny of French rule then had to fight tooth and nail for 30 years to gain their independence. That this writer diminishes them as "peasant rice farmers" speaks to his own racism. The writer would be well advised to recall that Vietnam, like WWII was a European created catastrophe that the US got sucked into.

The Ukraine-Russia war does not fit as nearly into that category because the likes of McCain and Graham had been actively spoiling for the war for a long time but still it is a European conflict to which Europe has looked to the US for leadership. Europeans elites need to start solving their own problems and stop relying on the US then throwing their toys out of the pran when things don't go their way.
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The VC were, sort of, from the South. And that really was about rice production, if perhaps as a legacy from French rule rather than how the Vietnamese might have chosen to set things up, rice in the south and factories in the north. And they weren't exactly rich, and the context is intended as a dig at the US.

So fiscally challenged rice farmers supplemented by PAVN soldiers hailing from a more mechanised local area?
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It was a dig at the US but it doesn't really work for the point he is trying to make since Vietnam was essentially the US picking up Frances slack.

The central issue is the way the writer is having a meltdown over what Vance said when it is entirely congruent with the noises Trumps been making for the last decade. Whether you agree with his points or not no-one can pretend in good faith that what he said was surprising since Trump has moaned about trade deals and NATO ad infinitum.

European leaders had fully four years to prep for a potential second Trump Presidency and the Ukraine war is almost two years old. They are slackers looking for a scapegoat and the easy way out of blaming someone else for their lack of prep.
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It's not an either/or. European leaders haven't done enough, true enough, but too Trump and Vance are traitorous pond scum
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Rhubarb & Custard wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 1:31 pm It's not an either/or. European leaders haven't done enough, true enough, but too Trump and Vance are traitorous pond scum
Don't disagree. :thumbup:
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An elementary school in Fort Campbell has removed all books that mention or allude to slavery or the civil rights movement. ... l-schools/
And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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The thing I don't get is that I follow current affairs in a lazy way, just catch the basic events of the day on social media, read the paper here and there.

Yet people who are tasked with knowing what's going on, leading and coming up with solutions are seemingly caught unawares by stuff that they should be well read and researched on.

If democracy is in a perilous state as many say then part of it is that the people who are in charge are not up to the task.
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Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:08 pm An elementary school in Fort Campbell has removed all books that mention or allude to slavery or the civil rights movement. ... l-schools/
From wiki
The racial makeup was 58.6% White, 25.8% Black or African American, 1.0% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 1.0% Pacific Islander, 7.1% from other races, and 4.8% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race were 13.8% of the population.
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Uncle fester wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:15 pm
Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:08 pm An elementary school in Fort Campbell has removed all books that mention or allude to slavery or the civil rights movement. ... l-schools/
From wiki
The racial makeup was 58.6% White, 25.8% Black or African American, 1.0% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 1.0% Pacific Islander, 7.1% from other races, and 4.8% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race were 13.8% of the population.
Not sure of the relevance?
And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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Mike Luckovich, editorial cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution since 1989, has had his twitter account suspended for this cartoon

And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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It's happening in Canada too (maybe unsurprisingly, this story is from Alberta). Religious Right are, ironically, crying about 'indoctrination' and 'ideology' in reference to people who are mostly about being open, while their worldview is closed-minded and regressive. (Not to mention how many religious figures actually get caught 'grooming'.)

If a 45 min documentary isn't of interest: ... -libraries

And this seems to be from the US playbook of religious Right getting involved in local politics and school boards...
Valleyview’s library being in the midst of a political storm was new to the town, but is in keeping with Take Back Alberta’s stated aim of creating change by seizing control of the low hanging fruit of democracy, like school and library boards.

"I say this to all of you: Who here feels that horrible things are happening in our libraries?” Take Back Alberta leader Parker said during a 2023 rally outside Calgary city hall.

"The answer right now is that we have to get engaged. Every one of you has to begin participating in their democracy. If you want them to leave your kids alone, you have to be the ones making the decision about how that happens."

Low voter turnout, he said, is the key to victory.

"Albertans and Canadians are apathetic and lazy. They never show up," he said during another October 2023 speech in Calgary. “You could take over every school board in this entire province."
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Trump admin fires a bunch of people who look after their nuclear weapons then hurriedly have to rehire and pretend such a stupid decision never took place.

'Move fast, break things' is fine in the abstract when 'disruptors' are just dicking around with private business ventures of little real consequence, but government and civil service actually deals with some pretty important stuff that's worth checking on before breaking it.
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Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:19 pm
Uncle fester wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:15 pm
Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:08 pm An elementary school in Fort Campbell has removed all books that mention or allude to slavery or the civil rights movement. ... l-schools/
From wiki
The racial makeup was 58.6% White, 25.8% Black or African American, 1.0% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 1.0% Pacific Islander, 7.1% from other races, and 4.8% from two or more races. Hispanics or Latinos of any race were 13.8% of the population.
Not sure of the relevance?
It's a pretty diverse place demographics-wise so you'd expect to be able to read about things other than white man history.

P.S. this is the place that a soldier was murdered for the crime of dating a trans person.
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Uncle fester wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 6:11 pm
Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:19 pm
Uncle fester wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:15 pm

From wiki
Not sure of the relevance?
It's a pretty diverse place demographics-wise so you'd expect to be able to read about things other than white man history.

P.S. this is the place that a soldier was murdered for the crime of dating a trans person.
Ah, ok.
And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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Utah has prohibited unions from negotiating wages and conditions for teachers, firefighters, police and all other public workers. ... ky-nytimes
And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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Guy Smiley wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:21 pm Image
Not long now.
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sockwithaticket wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:33 am
It's by no means scientific, but the sub-reddit Leopard's Ate My Face is filling up with social media posts from Trumpers who are apparently gobsmacked that he's enacting the policies he campaigned on.
r/leoparrdsatemyface is a gem - it's struggling to keep up with the current regime
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mat the expat wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 7:36 am
sockwithaticket wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:33 am
It's by no means scientific, but the sub-reddit Leopard's Ate My Face is filling up with social media posts from Trumpers who are apparently gobsmacked that he's enacting the policies he campaigned on.
r/leoparrdsatemyface is a gem - it's struggling to keep up with the current regime
'Mango Unchained'

That's a keeper :thumbup:
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So after the air disaster (with an insufficiently manned ATC tower), Trump has taken the very best of decisions, and is firing hundreds of FAA staff. All the probationary staff basically. It's been pointed out that these are still the people that have got through an enormous amount of training and testing etc. One ex FAA employer wondered exactly how they worked out who to fire, since he said that anyone who's received a promotion would also be tagged as probationary in the employment records, since if they can't hack the promotion, they'd be returned to their previous role.

So, anyone flying in the US any time soon?
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dpedin wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:11 pm
Yeeb wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 2:55 pm
sockwithaticket wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 11:33 am

It's by no means scientific, but the sub-reddit Leopard's Ate My Face is filling up with social media posts from Trumpers who are apparently gobsmacked that he's enacting the policies he campaigned on.

Some of those the posts are definitely from Muslim Americans, they seem to fall into two camps. Those who abstained from voting for the Dems because they viewed the stance on Palestine as overriding everything else and those who, for reasons only they'll know, thought Trump would change the US stance for the better. The former seem to be flailing around wanting the Democrats to intervene substantively while the Republicans hold all three branches of government, further displaying their complete lack of understanding as to how politics works.

There's also been plenty from Latinos For Trump type groups who seemed to think they weren't the ones being talked about, when Trump banged on and on about mass deportations and ending birth right citizenship.
Politicians actually doing the policies they said they would is quite a rare phenomenon though . A quick google seems to show Trump approval ratings still pretty high, but with a drop in young voters approval of 11% in 2 weeks.
Just wait until the Medicaid and Medicare cuts filter through!
So, the only question for why the US is so against good public health when the economic benefits and externality’s from good health are proven: is it being prevented from happening in the US because people like Trump think it’s all commie and wasteful, or kept in place because of the powerful lobbying from US pharma because it’s so lucrative ?

Or both ?
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Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:35 am
dpedin wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:11 pm
Yeeb wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 2:55 pm

Politicians actually doing the policies they said they would is quite a rare phenomenon though . A quick google seems to show Trump approval ratings still pretty high, but with a drop in young voters approval of 11% in 2 weeks.
Just wait until the Medicaid and Medicare cuts filter through!
So, the only question for why the US is so against good public health when the economic benefits and externality’s from good health are proven: is it being prevented from happening in the US because people like Trump think it’s all commie and wasteful, or kept in place because of the powerful lobbying from US pharma because it’s so lucrative ?

Or both ?
You still seem to think that Trump actually cares about the country and it's people?
Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Raggs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:44 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:35 am
dpedin wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:11 pm

Just wait until the Medicaid and Medicare cuts filter through!
So, the only question for why the US is so against good public health when the economic benefits and externality’s from good health are proven: is it being prevented from happening in the US because people like Trump think it’s all commie and wasteful, or kept in place because of the powerful lobbying from US pharma because it’s so lucrative ?

Or both ?
You still seem to think that Trump actually cares about the country and it's people?
No, not at all, unsure why you’d think that, most sane people agree he’s pretty terrible person with a psychotic attitude to people who don’t like him or criticise him. The only thing I remotely admire him about is how he just steamrollers ahead and cracks on with his stuff, whether it’s sane or nice or not. It is quite refreshing to see a politician actually set in motion what they say they will before election , but then some said the same about Hitler becoming chancellor or the Bolshevik reveloution (there are some reasonable parallels)
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So Trump and Putin meet up with Saudis to decide how they carve up Ukraine and Eastern Europe tomorrow. Putin will be given solution that lets him save face for his disastrous 'special operation' whilst Trump will be given his victory in Europe. More worryingly will be they will agree that Ukraine has to hold elections for the peace plan to work which means they will manipulate the election in order to instal a puppet in place of Zelensky. The Puppet will then concede more ground to Russia whilst signing off the agreement to let the US have free access to the rare minerals etc they want. There will also be agreement about Putins longer term acquisitions in Eastern Europe and Trump will agree the US will stand aside when he moves in return for Russia stopping all its relationships with China who Trump sees as the real and his personal enemy. It will be a feckin disaster for everyone including the US but Trump and team are too feckin dumb to see otherwise.

Meanwhile back in the good old USofA the rise of the racist & facist state continues apace as they asset strip the state, transfer vast swathes of federal wealth to big business, cut taxes for the rich, destroy what little regulatory protections the public had, destroy the independence of the judiciary, use DEI excuse to reintroduce segregation, ban women from having any control over their own reproductive systems, destroy public healthcare and make general healthcare a hugely expensive service only the rich can afford. Herr Furher Trump via his henchmen like Herman Elon Goering and Stephen Goebells Miller continue to implement their Project 2025 and it will end up with Trump getting his wish to be the biggest and most powerful Dictator the world has ever seen!

We are in a real shithole and it's coming to us all sooner than we think!
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Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:01 am
Raggs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:44 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:35 am

So, the only question for why the US is so against good public health when the economic benefits and externality’s from good health are proven: is it being prevented from happening in the US because people like Trump think it’s all commie and wasteful, or kept in place because of the powerful lobbying from US pharma because it’s so lucrative ?

Or both ?
You still seem to think that Trump actually cares about the country and it's people?
No, not at all, unsure why you’d think that, most sane people agree he’s pretty terrible person with a psychotic attitude to people who don’t like him or criticise him. The only thing I remotely admire him about is how he just steamrollers ahead and cracks on with his stuff, whether it’s sane or nice or not. It is quite refreshing to see a politician actually set in motion what they say they will before election , but then some said the same about Hitler becoming chancellor or the Bolshevik reveloution (there are some reasonable parallels)
Yeah of course it is. I'm sure those blue collar rust belt workers, small business owners, and small scale farming communities are not going to find it quite as refreshing as you do in a couple of months.
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SaintK wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:57 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:01 am
Raggs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 8:44 am

You still seem to think that Trump actually cares about the country and it's people?
No, not at all, unsure why you’d think that, most sane people agree he’s pretty terrible person with a psychotic attitude to people who don’t like him or criticise him. The only thing I remotely admire him about is how he just steamrollers ahead and cracks on with his stuff, whether it’s sane or nice or not. It is quite refreshing to see a politician actually set in motion what they say they will before election , but then some said the same about Hitler becoming chancellor or the Bolshevik reveloution (there are some reasonable parallels)
Yeah of course it is. I'm sure those blue collar rust belt workers, small business owners, and small scale farming communities are not going to find it quite as refreshing as you do in a couple of months.
Well there is an element of ‘they voted for it so lolz’ plus farmers may benefit if their produce goes up in price because tariffs whacked on imports.

Also, it will hopefully encourage a different type of response from the other political parties and offer something viable and successful . Around the world if you think the leaders are shit, you have to wonder at the quality of opposition.
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Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:16 am
SaintK wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:57 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:01 am

No, not at all, unsure why you’d think that, most sane people agree he’s pretty terrible person with a psychotic attitude to people who don’t like him or criticise him. The only thing I remotely admire him about is how he just steamrollers ahead and cracks on with his stuff, whether it’s sane or nice or not. It is quite refreshing to see a politician actually set in motion what they say they will before election , but then some said the same about Hitler becoming chancellor or the Bolshevik reveloution (there are some reasonable parallels)
Yeah of course it is. I'm sure those blue collar rust belt workers, small business owners, and small scale farming communities are not going to find it quite as refreshing as you do in a couple of months.
Well there is an element of ‘they voted for it so lolz’ plus farmers may benefit if their produce goes up in price because tariffs whacked on imports.

Also, it will hopefully encourage a different type of response from the other political parties and offer something viable and successful . Around the world if you think the leaders are shit, you have to wonder at the quality of opposition.
I'd wonder more at the quality and impartiality of media.

It doesn't really matter how good a point the opposition make if it's simply lost in a pigsty of nonsense and fabrications.

£350M a week for the NHS, and people believed it. The fentanyl problem is caused by Canada, and people believe it.
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Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:24 pm Mike Luckovich, editorial cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution since 1989, has had his twitter account suspended for this cartoon

Mike Luckovich himself has confirmed on his own twitter account that this is fake , and his account was not suspended.

Just because we want to believe things , do not make them true , the trouble these days is that social media is much better in confirming our bias , rather than spreading truth
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inactionman wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:23 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:16 am
SaintK wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:57 am
Yeah of course it is. I'm sure those blue collar rust belt workers, small business owners, and small scale farming communities are not going to find it quite as refreshing as you do in a couple of months.
Well there is an element of ‘they voted for it so lolz’ plus farmers may benefit if their produce goes up in price because tariffs whacked on imports.

Also, it will hopefully encourage a different type of response from the other political parties and offer something viable and successful . Around the world if you think the leaders are shit, you have to wonder at the quality of opposition.
I'd wonder more at the quality and impartiality of media.

It doesn't really matter how good a point the opposition make if it's simply lost in a pigsty of nonsense and fabrications.

£350M a week for the NHS, and people believed it. The fentanyl problem is caused by Canada, and people believe it.
A very valid point. No media really is seen as being without bias , for example the BBC is seen as both woke lefty and establishment. Just because I for example don’t beleive the £350m bus thing , doesn’t mean it didn’t affect lots of people’s mindsets.

Sadly the vast majority of people who have a democratic vote, are stupid and bigoted and beleive any old shit.
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Dogbert wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:25 am
Biffer wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:24 pm Mike Luckovich, editorial cartoonist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution since 1989, has had his twitter account suspended for this cartoon

Mike Luckovich himself has confirmed on his own twitter account that this is fake , and his account was not suspended.

Just because we want to believe things , do not make them true , the trouble these days is that social media is much better in confirming our bias , rather than spreading truth
Right, just seen that - but it was Mike himself that posted it, so it wasn't unreasonable to believe the source in this case!
And are there two g’s in Bugger Off?
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Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:16 am
SaintK wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 10:57 am
Yeeb wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2025 9:01 am

No, not at all, unsure why you’d think that, most sane people agree he’s pretty terrible person with a psychotic attitude to people who don’t like him or criticise him. The only thing I remotely admire him about is how he just steamrollers ahead and cracks on with his stuff, whether it’s sane or nice or not. It is quite refreshing to see a politician actually set in motion what they say they will before election , but then some said the same about Hitler becoming chancellor or the Bolshevik reveloution (there are some reasonable parallels)
Yeah of course it is. I'm sure those blue collar rust belt workers, small business owners, and small scale farming communities are not going to find it quite as refreshing as you do in a couple of months.
Well there is an element of ‘they voted for it so lolz’ plus farmers may benefit if their produce goes up in price because tariffs whacked on imports.

Also, it will hopefully encourage a different type of response from the other political parties and offer something viable and successful . Around the world if you think the leaders are shit, you have to wonder at the quality of opposition.
Excellent article in the Weekend FT how tariffs are already causing issues in the supply chain and are projected to increase unemployment as Mom and Pa and SME businesses lay people off or go bust and welfare support and medical aid are slashed
Buyers remorse already started in some of the "red" states and we're only a month or so in.
Still as long as the cunt Musk and Trump cronies and funders are getting richer by the week then all is good!
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