Shitbag cunts create shitbag cunts.
I was once overseeing a lunchtime detention in a computer lab that was also a walkthrough to a couple of classrooms. This 14 year old boy, who is supposed to be sitting there in silence completing work or a detention task, catcalled a couple of girls from the year above as they walked through and couldn't understand why I gave him a bollocking for it. His justification was that his dad does it all the time.
Overheard one kid in class boasting to a classmate about not allowing a gas man into the house because he was a "darkie and we don't let fuckin' darkies in". Where do you think he gets that from?
A kid skipped lunchtime detention, so instantly got upgraded to after school. Skipped that too, so a phonecall to the parents who said they told him to skip it. They don't believe we have the right to keep kids after school, even though punishments and sanctions are part of the code of conduct all parents have to sign before their child took up their place at the scool...
One of the lunch ladies had a a right scrote of a son who was constantly getting into trouble for one thing or another and she was constantly griping at teachers about it. Eventually she got fired for storming into a lesson to confront a teacher who'd provided the evidence in an incident severe enough for a suspension.
Most memorable of all was a boy who got a roasting at a parents' evening from pretty much all his teachers, not because he was particularly poorly behaved, but he just refused to do any work, who came in the next day and smugly thanked a teacher for being so negative. Apparently it prompted his parents to buy him a new Xbox game as a pick me up.
And so on and so forth. It was so bloody draining to deal with. Sod beating the kids, it's the parents who need sorting out.